Puneet Superstar AKA Prakash Kumar, a popular social media influencer, is all set to charm audiences once again as he joins the highly anticipated reality show Lock Upp 2, hosted by none other than Kangana Ranaut. Known affectionately as Lord Puneet among his fans, Prakash excitedly confirmed his participation during a live session on the Eloelo app. However, his recent Instagram account block has left his millions of followers disappointed and perplexed.
Puneet Superstar In Lock Upp 2
During the interactive session, Puneet, in his distinctive style, hinted at a surprising twist on Lock Upp 2 by playfully stating that he might propose to the show’s host, Kangana Ranaut, and humorously add that they might even have children together.
While Puneet Superstar seemed disinterested in discussing his last stint on Bigg Boss OTT 2, he didn’t hold back when asked about his views on Elvish Yadav, another social media personality. Puneet confidently stated that Elvish lacks the winner’s qualities and won’t emerge victorious on the show. Also Read: Hina Khan Unveils Sneak Peek of Her Punjabi Movie Debut Alongside Gippy Grewal in “Shinda Shinda No Papa”
The recent block of Prakash Kumar’s Instagram account on Friday, July 28, has caused an uproar among his dedicated followers, who number over 3 million. Speculations suggest that fans of rapper MC Stan might be responsible for the block, as there seems to be an ongoing feud between the two influencers. Apparently, MC Stan had criticized Prakash’s content on Bigg Boss OTT 2, calling it ‘cringe-worthy’, and Prakash retaliated by criticizing Stan’s songs as ‘abusive’, even going so far as to label the Bigg Boss 16 winner as ‘keeda-makoda’. Also Read: Report: Bollywood’s Fardeen Khan and Natasha Madhvani Go Separate Ways, Pledge to Put Children First
With his participation in Lock Upp 2, fans are eagerly looking forward to witnessing Prakash Superstar’s entertaining journey on the show and finding out if he can emerge as the ultimate champion. Stay tuned for all the exciting updates and drama on Lock Upp 2 as Puneet vies for the coveted title!
Meanwhile, his account has been un-suspended now by Instagram team.